MSDeployAllTheThings VSTS/TFS Extension is Public!


As of this morning I have made my first VSTS task public in the VisualStudio VSTS Marketplace.  I blogged about my experience developing the task last month.  Check that post out for more details:

VSTS Release: Custom Deploy Task to Deploy Virtual Applications to Azure

This is just the beginning! I plan to add more MSDeploy-related tasks to this extension as I see a need for more tasks.  If you have any ideas or are experiencing any pain points in using MSDeply/WebDeploy with TFS or VSTS please let me know.

TFS 2015 Update 2

As a reminder, if you are using TFS 2015 on-prem, Update 2 was released March 30th and has a load of features from VSTS.  This includes Extensions which is required to install custom/third-party tasks and extensions.  Stay tuned for a future post reviewing all of the big features from Update 2.

The Process of Sharing an Extension with the World

The VSTS team has documented the process very well.  I used the following tutorials with no issues

Publish an extension to the Marketplace

Share your integration with the world

As far as timing, the VSTS team verified my account within 12 hours and it took me less than two hours to wrap my task in an extension.  Of the two hours, I spent over an hour creating the logo, so it really took less than an hour.  They literally could not have made it any easier!


I cannot overemphasize how great this extensibility is!  Being able to easily add functionality into TFS/VSTS will go a long way with the development and DevOps communities at large.  I expect to see the marketplace grow exponentially in the coming months.

It seems the VSTS team can do wrong.  After meeting the team at BUILD, I can tell you first hand they are super pasionate about the ALM process.  Keep it up!

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