MSDeployAllTheThings Nuget packages are now Open Sourced!


Its been a few months now since I was on the DotNetRocks podcast speaking about “Making MSDeploy Work”.  I mentioned there that we had considered open sourcing the Nuget packages we use to create MSDeploy packages for all our deployable components but only if it was something the community was interested in and would use.  I received lots of feedback from the DNR listeners that they would like to see it open sourced and available publicly.  So we made it happen.

CodeStock 2016

I officially announced the release in my “#MSDeployAllTheThings – Automation in the box for .NET Developers ” session at CodeStock last Friday.  This was a great conference and I met a ton of awesome speakers/developers.  (Thanks to Jamie for the photo below)

I also published the Nuget packages to the official Nuget repo.  So go and give them a try. 


Please Contribute

I hope many developers are able to use these packages with great success as we have for 50 plus products.  If you have any issues or questions feel free to open an issue on Github.  Additionally, we hope you can contribute to the effort. 

If you have further questions or comments please feel free to comment below or hit me on Twitter.

1 thought on “MSDeployAllTheThings Nuget packages are now Open Sourced!”

  1. Pingback: MSDeployAllTheThings Nuget packages are now Open Sourced! - How to Code .NET

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