I setup a new build in VSTS this week and started receiving the following error during my CI build after adding a SQL Database project to my solution:

(SPP-CreateDeployCommand target) ->
MSDEPLOY : error Code: ERROR_SCRIPTDOM_NEEDED_FOR_SQL_PROVIDER [D:\a\1\s\myDatabase.csproj]
MSDEPLOY : error count: 1. [D:\a\1\s\myDatabase.csproj]

For deployment of my database I’m using the MSDeployAllTheThings.SqlDeploy Nuget package which creates a WebDeploy package of the DACPAC from my database project.  Visual Studio doesn’t support adding Nuget packages to database projects so you have to add a class library project to add the package and handle the deployment.  This deployment project fails with the above error during the build.  The actual database project builds without issue.

I couldn’t find anyone else who had seen this problem in TFS/VSTS but several who had seen this error locally because they didn’t have SSDT installed or their SSDT install had become corrupted.  So I added the following Nuget packages to my deployment project:



But still no luck.

Looking for Help

Ultimately I opened up two forum posts to try to get some help. 



I created an example in Github to more easily reproduce the error as well.  After further discussions with some Microsoft folks on Twitter it appears this is a bug on the Hosted agents.  Not sure what priority this is for them but hopefully they will fix it soon.


Until then you can use a private agent with VS2017 Community edition installed.  I started with just the VS2017 build tools but it appears they don’t include the SQL Data Tools assemblies.

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